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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Food = Love

My daughter hurt herself today - she's still pretty wobbly at six months old and fell over because she was playing to hard. Nothing serious, just bumped her head. My instinct as a mom was to hug her, kiss her, and then nurse her. Food in a lot of ways shows love and provides comfort. Now, in some cases it can be taken to an extreme and we end up with people who try to compensate for lack of love with an over intake of food, but our first comfort in life is provided by food and closeness with our mothers. How wonderful is that?

Both sides of my family show love with food, and the following is one of the recipes I remember from my childhood, requested by my cousin Michelle. I made it tonight with dinner - it goes really well with pot roast - and I am shocked I had enough left to take a picture for the blog.

Herb Loaf
1 loaf Vienna bread, unsliced (French works fine, too)
3/4 c butter (the recipe card says margarine, but I think margarine is evil. Use butter, please!)
1/4 tsp salt (optional)
dash cayenne
3/4 tsp paprika
3/4 tsp dried savory
1/2 tsp dried thyme

The recipe card calls for you to cut all the crust off the bread and cut the remaining loaf in triangles. My favorite part of the bread IS the crust, so I kinda skipped that part.

Mix the butter with the herbs and then spread them all over the bread slices. Bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Serve hot.

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